
Postura Max® Chair

When you choose a Postura®, you know you’re getting clever research, genuine science and serious quality. Our high performing school chairs give you even more confidence with a 20 year warranty.

Technical details

Warranty: 20 years

• Superior pressure support curves, IPR (Ischial- PressureRelease system).

• NATA certified for strength, durability, and stability, the Postura Max Chair meets stringent quality standards, making it a trusted choice for schools across the globe.

• Complies with the certification requirements of AS/NZS 4688 level 5.

• Extra large lumbar air ventilation in the backrest.

• New flexing air bridge supporting the chair.

• Anti-rocking system, designed to resist rocking backwards.

• The single injection moulded polypropylene design is made for durability.

• Anti-static polypropylene stays cleaner for longer and is easier to clean.
For help with chair and table sizing, view our Postura Size Guide here or contact our friendly team. 
Seat Height Leg Space Student Stature
Size 2    310mm 190mm 1080-1210mm
Size 3    350mm 210mm 1190-1420mm
Size 4    380mm 230mm 1330-1590mm
Size 5    430mm 270mm 1460-1765mm
Size 6    460mm 280mm 1590-1880mm

• Stacks up to a recommended 12 chairs on the floor (size 6 equals 1870mm high).

• Stacked chairs can easily be stacked, stored and moved using the Chair Trolley

 Stacks up to 12 chairs

Stacks up to 12 chairs

Flexing Air-Bridge to maximise support and posture

Flexing Air-Bridge to maximise support and posture