In the heart of Yarrabilba's rapidly growing community, Yarrabilba State Secondary College has collaborated with Sebel Furniture to transform their educational facilities. By incorporating flexible and modern furniture designs, the college has established engaging environments that promote student collaboration and adaptable learning.
Yarabilba State High School wanted to create the ultimate educational space.
Yarabilba State High School wanted to create the ultimate educational space.
Focus Stools and Create-A-Benches are used to ensure the classroom helps collaboration between students.
The student resource centre has been carefully shaped into an exciting, thought-provoking workspace.
Each classroom needed to be versatile and practical
When helping to fit out this school, the goal was to create an engaging environment for all.
“We wanted flexible, multiuse classrooms that were nurturing for students studying all different subjects, whether Math, English or Science.”
Yarrabilba State Secondary College
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